<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/909be199-ec8b-4c38-9c0d-62f48dc78116/c9ac3b24-7f73-48b9-ae3f-5f8b69b0b467/Speech_bubble_orange.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/909be199-ec8b-4c38-9c0d-62f48dc78116/c9ac3b24-7f73-48b9-ae3f-5f8b69b0b467/Speech_bubble_orange.png" width="40px" /> Various frameworks and methods exist to explore and communicate value(s), shape actions, and evaluate outcomes. In the infrastructure sector, these have been initially driven by environmental and sustainability concerns. However, approaches have recently expanded to address other critical challenges, incorporating perspectives related to health, wellbeing, social value, carbon emissions, biodiversity, equity, and inclusion. Some examples are given below.


These approaches are addressing and often challenging conventional notions of value and values. By facilitating conversation, exchange, and collaboration across multiple sectors, they point towards a future where more expansive and interconnected perspectives may drive action.

While acknowledging the positive shifts represented by these examples, it is important to recognise the challenges they bring. Complexity and overload from overlapping missions, lenses, and associated conceptual frameworks can pose real challenges for both individuals and organisations.

An opportunity for the EWSC project will be to help different actors navigate this increasingly complex and fast-moving delivery environment and understand the place of water within it.

Cross-sectoral value frameworks:

Water-focussed value frameworks:

There are times when a water specific-lens is a logical and helpful entry point for addressing such challenges, especially when needing to understand interdependencies between water and other sectors such as housing and place-making.  Moves within the water and environment sector towards wider value creation and outcomes- led planning and design are helping to advocate for water and encourage integration between systems.